Fla. — Sports astrologer Andrea Mallis sees something in the
stars for Philadelphia Eagles star Terrell Owens.
Mallis, who is a sort of official astrologer for the
Oakland Athletics' radio postgame show, said that Owens faces
a challenging Saturn aspect (the planet of
limitation) to his Mars (physical energy)
while trying to come back early from leg surgery.
"It should be fascinating to watch his role, however
limited, as Saturn tends to delay, deny and restrict," she
said. "Much to his chagrin and dismay, it looks like his
chart may render him a
non-factor — or worse, he can re-injure himself. (He) may be
dismayed if he is not utilized enough, as Mars in Capricorn
opposes his Saturn in Cancer on Super Bowl Sunday — sort of a
cosmic double whammy."
Mallis advised Owens to watch
for "excessive physical strain and exertion,
annoying ego conflicts."
Astrology, like other forms of prognostication, can be hit
or miss.
A week before last year's Super Bowl, Mallis said that the
halftime show "should be rather ethereal, filled