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Andrea Mallis, Sports Astrologer, and Dave Newhouse, Oakland Tribune veteran sportswriter, at Andrea's Berkeley home |
One on One
By Dave Newhouse
Staff Writer
Oakland Tribune
Wednesday September 27, 2006
Fame or Flameout? Check the Stars
Astrologer has interesting thoughts on Bay Area Athletes
Berkeley- Andrea Mallis wouldnt join AAA because for one thing, she doesn't own a car. But she is an exclusive AAAA member.
What is AAAA? Why, Andreas Athletic Arena Astrology. She projects how sports heroes will do by studying their astrological charts.
"Im like a cosmic umpire, she said. "I get 80 percent of my calls right."
Mallis grew up in New York City and attended Queens College. But after falling in love with the 1973 New York Mets, she found baseball more interesting than her major of sociology.
And after moving to Berkeley in the 1980s, astrology became her lifes calling. She then wove athletics into her astrological consulting business, officially titled "Virgo in Service."
Her baseball passion has led to local and national electronic media appearances, and she writes for major league magazines and ESPN.com.
With the baseball season winding down, football now under way, and hockey and pro basketball just ahead, Mallis was asked to read the charts of a manager/head coach and star player from the As, Giants, Raiders, 49ers. Warriors, Sharks, Cal and Stanford for some indicating signs.
Mallis pointed out she cant project a teams eventual record without reading every players chart, However, by studying two figures per team, she can get a strong sense of where that team is headed.
She just needs a birth date and a birth place to get started, then its in the stars. But for some local figures, it could be stardust.
Q. What information do you feed into your findings?
A. Im as astrologer, not a psychic. I crunch numbers. Its a practical science of cycles. Baseball and astrology run in cycles. What I specifically look up for an athlete is Mars, the planet of energy, assertion and aggression. Its all about optimum performing cycles.
Q. Whats your reading on Barry Bonds?
A. Hes a Leo, born on a full moon. Those born on a full moon are spotlight seekers; they crave attention and are pretty insufferable. But hes Leo, king of the zodiac: regal, self-assured, confident, proud, dynamic, melodramatic. Its about him.
He had a very difficult Saturn patch; Saturn is like the cosmic cop of the zodiac. Its a part of karma, so you do the crime, you do the time. Saturn has been on him for a couple of seasons, and its just about dissipating. In July 07 he controls his temper. So if he wants to go DH in the American League, hell try to get another year out of if.
Q. Whats your take on Giants manager Felipe Alou?
A. It looks like its time to move on. He did a commanding job, Hes a Taurus: steadfast, stable, reliable, determined, even-keeled, He handled Bonds very well. But vitality is at a low point, ambitions may be thwarted, life feels like an endurance test. It would be completely defeating for him to stay on.
Q. What does As manager Ken Machas chart look like?
A. Hes a Libra. Easy-going, cooperative, agreeable, but somewhat indecisive, hesitant, passive, which is very good to counter-play (general manager) Billy Beane, whos an Aries, very fiery, need to get his own way. It wouldnt work to the As advantage to have a really strong manager. In terms of Mach being inspiring, no. His chart is really unspectacular.
Q. What part of the zodiac is Frank Thomas?
A. Gemini. Good communicator, adaptable, good leadership ability. According to his forecast, in October, its steady progress, confidence at an all-time high. I wouldnt write off his injury (situation) next year, but he can still hit the ball.
Q. Lets shift to the Raiders. What about coach Art Shell?
A. Its turning uglier by the minute, unfortunately. Art Shell is a Sagittarius. Very philosophical, optimistic, idealistic, hopeful, all good for his playing career. Hall of Fame. For coaching, you want to look at Mercury, the planet of communication and learning. Communication is not his forte. Saturn, the planet of limitation, is making a difficult aspect to his Mercury. So (his) ideas are challenged the entire season, (hes) likely to feel misunderstood, communication met with resistance and protest.
Q. Hmmm, Jerry Porter? But what about Randy Moss?
A. Hes an Aquarius. Independant, freedom-loving, original, eccentric, unusual, electric. Aquarians can take the high road or the low road. The low road is rebellious. Unpredictable, detached, aloof, unthinking. A kind of prima donna energy. And a foot-in-mouth disease with Mercury nest to his Mars. So this is a hothead, a very tough chart.
Q. What do the planets say about 49ers coach Mike Nolan?
A. Hes a Pisces. Imaginative, dreamy, emotional, idealistic, spiritual, a visionary. (Ex-49er) Kevan Barlow called him a "little dictator." I actually thinks hes much more intuitive than dictatorial. But September through January, some tensions and disputes, possible frustration and misuse of energy, confrontation. Things tend to get bogged down.
Q. What is your chart on 49ers quarterback Alex Smith?
A. You can check my Web site (www.virgoinservice.com). I said Alex Smith was going to be a bust before he took his first pass, Hes a Taurus. Industrious, persevering, determined, resourceful. He has those enduring qualities. Hes doing well now, because hes in his Jupiter cycle, but hes going to be like Ryan Leaf and Tim Couch. His charts show me one and done. By June 07, Saturn, the planet of limitations, will square his Mars, signifying accidents and injuries. A huge red flag.
Q. Are the planets kinder to Warriors Coach Don Nelson?
A. Hes another Taurus. Practical, stable, productive, reliable
all good qualities to have as a coach. However, Saturn is squaring his sun, the same as Felipe Alou. Life feels like an endurance test, may feel discouraged.
Q. How do you see Warriors point guard Baron Davis?
A. Hes an Aries. The warrior, fearless, confident, forceful, assertive. He can also be independent, impatient, a little headstrong. The good news is Saturn in Leo is making a harmonious aspect to his sun in Aries, all three fire signs, This means significant progress in his career
gains recognition, prominence, promotion. Strong health.
Q.What of NHL MVP Joe Thorton of the Sharks?
A. Hes a Cancer. Emotional, sensitive, sustaining, shy, a little moody. In December Jupiter, which is expansion, oppose his Mars. He exhibits powerful leadership, does things in a big way. I like his chart a lot.
Q. How about Cal football, and coach Jeff Tedford?
A. Hes a Scorpio. Hes very intense with the dark sunglasses. Very powerful, magnetic, mysterious, psychological, deep. And very charismatic; he has the Tedhead cult following. Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, is in Scorpio. So this is a huge year for Scorpios, happens once every 12 years.
Q. Hey, maybe a Rose Bowl for Cal. What can you tell us about running back Marshawn Lynch?
A. Hes a Taurus. Same adjectives, but he has a really positive Mars aspect for September, October and January, when the bowl games come. He will quickly achieve basic goals and ambitions. His willpower serves him well. His star is on the rise, a potential Heisman trophy winner.
Q. And what of beleaguered Stanford Coach Walt Harris?
A. Scorpio. Regenerating, researching, emotional, He has one of those when it-rains-it pours charts, But the last two weeks of November, Jupiter to Venus, joyful state of abundance, fortunate and positive period.
Q. Look out Cal. What about quarterback Trent Edwards?
A. Another Scorpio. End of September and October, Jupiter makes a harmonious aspect to Mars; person is spirited and highly effective, confident and assured. Clear focus and attention, Fulfills desires with a minimum of struggle.