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Planetary Currents
- August 1999 -

he "cosmic buzz" this
month is the mighty August 11th New Moon Solar Eclipse in dynamic
Leo that forms a fixed Grand Square (or cross). Eclipses tend
to polarize situations and are dramatic wild cards. They shake
up our thinking so we can move to a new level of evolution. This
month's powerful configuration shows a need to balance conflicting
interests and obligations. We're truly at a universal crossroads,
both personal and planetary in this last eclipse before the millenium--
Nostradamus mentioned the significance of this particular eclipse
450 years ago! We're being asked to let go of what's no longer
for highest good and greatest growth. Not an easy task, especially
for the fixed signs involved: Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus.
Ancient astrologers felt the fixed signs represented initiation,
changing of the guards, rite of passage. Those with planets in
these fixed signs will feel changes most acutely, as energies
appear to be blocked. Inflexible ways of being are challenged;
deep-seated issues come to the surface for healing. Be resourceful
and imaginative as things are lost and gained. Use this vital
energy and be an agent for your own transformation. As Uranus
in Aquarius pushes for change, and as Mars in Scorpio butts heads
with Saturn in Taurus. Expect frustration and tensions to multiply.
"As above, so below". Feelings of stubbornness run
high-- be patient as new archetypes are being birthed into the
collective consciousness. The promise of new beginnings is revealing
itself, albeit through the chaos of endings.
On a more mundane level, Mercury goes direct on August 5th,
as communication matters take a giant leap forward. Although
it's a prime vacation month, you may want to take it easy during
the week of the Eclipse. Venus retrograding in Virgo reminds
us to reassess values and relationships. Full Moon in philosophical
Pisces on the 26th offers a contemplative break-- use this time
to reflect upon what your true goals are in this lifetime. (If
you know your rising sign, please read that too).
time for vacationing, being creative and spending time with the
kids. With a strong fifth house focus, romance, pleasure, hobbies,
sports will receive special emphasis. During the solar eclipse
on August 11th, your tendency to be impatient and insist on having
your way intensifies. Passion' s at a high point. Don't ignore
the needs of others, and don't take things too personally! Jupiter
and Saturn begin to retrograde at month's end in your money house,
so expect delays in initiating deals and payments. Hold off on
major purchases. Be mindful of your health, as a retrograde Venus
visits your sixth house prompting you to slow down and take better
care of yourself.
Solar Eclipse will have a strong impact with cautious Saturn
in your sign being opposed by impatient Mars in Scorpio. Delegate
unnecessary tasks and avoid power struggles. Drink herbal teas;
try to relax and rest. You have cosmic permission to retreat
from hectic demands and be a bit of a couch potato. With your
ruling planet Venus retrograde, self-confidence and self-esteem
are not what they should be. Put off buying clothes, jewelry.
The Solar Eclipse on the 11th may force long term changes in
your career and domestic situation. Don't make rash decisions
one way or another. Usually easy-going, beware of tendencies
to blow your stack! Expect tugs-of-war, yet avoid needless quarrels.
interests, communications and travel can be rewarding with the
Sun in your third house until the 23rd. With Mercury, (your ruling
planet) now direct after the 5th, its an ideal time to sign contracts
and reach agreements. Delayed deals and payments start to move
forward again. The Eclipse affects you less than most, pointing
towards great change in neighborhood, spiritual life and work.
Though you have urges for foreign travel, its best to re-schedule
this for later dates. Stick to short term domestic travel. Love
is rather delicate-- its better to reformulate ideals of love
with Venus retrograde till September 11th. Think before you speak
with loved ones. You may discover that you are no longer willing
to compromise, especially if you have discovered fatal flaws
in you relationship.
Solar Eclipse on the 11th may create some financial changes.
Brewing financial situations may reach a climax. You have a great
opportunity to realign budget and expenditures in accordance
with changing needs. Let your choices reflect true inner worth.
Give money matters extra time and energy, so when the dust settles
you'll be in better financial shape then before. Although the
nature of eclipses is to obscure the reality of situations, things
will turn out better than you think. Security minded Cancers
can relax a bit! Mercury going direct on the 5th has communication
and transportation problems easing up. Domestic situations and
relations with siblings improve. Work matters stabilize as Pluto
resumes direct motion in your employment sector.
the Solar Eclipse in your courageous sign, its wise to remember
that the Cosmos never gives you more than you can handle. You
may feel pushed to the limit as past, present, and future merge
dramatically in this unforgettable birthday month. The rare Grand
Square in the heavens shows that something major is being built
and established in your life. You are at a crossroads indeed,
feeling growing pains. Try and take a lighter schedule a couple
of days before and after the eclipse. Spend more time at home,
reading, meditating or doing non stressful things. Avoid going
to extremes emotionally. As work and family make demands on your
time, you may feel like you're in a pressure cooker. Break out
of old patterns in relationships and let partners do their own
focuses on inner concerns as self-analysis is heightened. Your
ruling planet Mercury move forwards on the 5th, restoring clarity
and mental sharpness to thinking. Those involved in sales, marketing
or communications have a banner month. Venus retrograde won't
stop earnings, but may delay profits. Things seem to take forever,
no matter how hard working you are. Do more research before making
any major investments or purchases. The eclipse visits your twelfth
house; look to your dream life to be extremely active this month.
You may change gurus or churches or take on a new spiritual discipline
in the next six months. Relationship partners may need space
and back away, so use Venus retrograde wisely to re-think and
get clarity surrounding relationship issues. Partnerships are
re-emphasized during the Full Moon on August 26th.
yearnings may not be fully realized unless you are honest with
yourself about those powerful urges and deep-seated needs. The
Solar Eclipse on August 11th emphasizes your dynamic connections
with friends. It's also a time for releasing unrealized goals,
while creating a pathway for renewed hopes. This is a potent
period of change, release and forgiveness. Don't waste time trying
to please others. The retrograde of Venus, (your ruler,) suggests
a need to be more in planning mode rather than execution. The
eclipse effects your friendships and group involvements-- your
relations could be in crisis! Hopes and wishes are dramatically
revised. False friends are exposed now. Perhaps you quit an organization
to join another. Love is stormy--expect ultra highs and lows.
one to experience things halfway, look for the Solar Eclipse
on the 11th to hit you hard! Destructive or unhealthy relationships
may become more problematic and finally end around the eclipse.
Relationships in general seem to be moving backwards rather than
forwards. Getting ahead career wise is a major focus as attention
is set on business matters and dealings with authority figures.
Job or career changes are beneficial in the long run but stressful
in the short run. Finances improve as Pluto resumes direct motion
in your money sector. With Mars in your determined sign being
opposed by Saturn, you may feel like one foot's on the gas and
one's on the brake. Avoid needless talk, action and emotionalism.
Keep a cool head and discern responsibilities.
Sag-the effects of the eclipse is not that challenging. Keep
a low profile; avoid power struggles and undue self-assertion.
With lots of planetary activity in your ninth house, travel (especially
long distance), education and publishing matters are all highlighted.
Dealings with in-laws increase, so avoid conversations about
politics and religion. The right job is out there for job seekers--
be patient as the stage needs prep for new settings. Your love
life expands after the 11th. Foreign trysts or sojourns involving
love are likely; exotic foreigners may enter your life. More
aware to your soul's calling, you're tempted to break away from
old traditions. A period of awakening and heightened awareness
draws your focus to the larger picture, encouraging broadening
horizons in efforts to create more fulfilling realities.
Solar Eclipse, Mercury and a retrograde Venus in your eighth
house may present obstacles to proper handling of joint resources,
investments and long- term financial security. Tax or estate
matters need attention as well. "Neither a borrower or a
lender be" is a good adage to follow at this time. Finances
tend to be erratic during this period; compromise and let time
be the resolver. Saturn, (your ruling planet), retrogrades on
the 30th, reminding you that a "me first" attitude
may not work. Always cautious, when in doubt, do nothing. Many
changes and upheavals are happening in the world and it is not
clear what the final pattern will be. The Solar Eclipse may stir
up some psychic debris. Beware of emotional fallout!
Eclipse on the 11th will have you rockin' and rollin' especially
in the areas of partnerships, legal matters and alliances. Reevaluate
attitudes toward marriage or other important partners with the
Solar Eclipse in your seventh house. This is a stressful month,
so take some preventative measure to smooth out the rough cosmic
weather. Assess your situation and see where negatives can be
turned into positives. The rule of thumb during the Solar Eclipse
period is if you don't absolutely have to do something, then
don't. Reschedule for a less stressful time, as turmoil can escalate
quickly. Although explosive emotional outbursts are not your
style, you do need to vent. You may even have to bear the brunt
of someone else's anger. Don't make unreasonable demands of a
partner. Release old hurts-hanging on to pain delays healing.
Solar Eclipse brings job changes and opportunity for exciting
new assignments. Prepare for some interruptions to your schedule,
and clarify what's expected of you on the job. Utilize time to
improve your work environment, eliminating things that impede
productivity. Defects in current systems are revealed, so you
can make constructive changes. Creativity runs high, but hard
work is essential to yield success. Finances are a challenge,
don't spend money you haven't got yet. Take good care of yourself,
as you maybe called upon in service to others during this transformational
time. Many of you may change doctors, healers, or health regimes,
and improve eating and working habits. You might even decide
to join a health club and begin a regular program of physical
exercise. Full Moon in your emotional sign increases confidence
ten fold, so go for it!
Will you be caught
up in mass
karma effect, or could this be a time of
creative change? Find out with a 30-minute telephone consultation
for only $30!
Andrea is the creatrix
Virgo in Service Astrological Consulting.
Call Andrea now
at: 510-874-4911