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Planetary Currents
- January 1999 -
appy New Year! May it begin a
year ahead filled with abundance, good health and cosmic contentment.
Full Moon on Jan. 1, lights up the New Year in expressive Cancer.
New Moon on Jan. 17 in conscientious Capricorn reminds us of
the resolutions we have made and our progress towards them. Another
Full Moon - once in a blue moon, - when there are 2 full moons in the same month,
occurs on Jan. 31 in radiant Leo. An auspicious way to start
the New Year, indeed. Oh, the Weaver of the New Year's Fates
is whispering to me. Here are some New Year's Resolutions for
you. If you know your rising sign, please read that too.
good-bye to Saturn and feelings of constant testing and constriction,
and hello to Jupiter, the planet of expansion and optimism. You
have just completed a 3 year cycle full of challenges, restrictions
and development. Jupiter is in your fiery sign for most of 1999,
opening you to opportunity, increased self-confidence and unparalleled
growth. Jupiter is in spontaneous Aries once every 12 years,
so GO FOR IT! Just be mindful not to overextend, especially financially.
Exciting chances to travel and study are present all year long.
Experience the alchemy of love, and let your adventurous spirit
fly. Resolution: I welcome and value the support of others.
influential cycle for entering the New Year has arrived, as Saturn,
the cosmic teacher, moves straightforward into earthy Taurus.
This cycle represents hard work, serious examination and responsibility.
Professional goals need to be balanced with new personal values
and inner strengths. All work and no play can be dull, so you'll
look forward to Jupiter going into your sensuous sign, over the
summer. Be sure and incorporate new technologies into your career
plans, as Uranus the great awakener, visits your tenth house
of career. Resolution: I voluntarily release what no longer serves
my highest good.
adept at handling several projects at once, its time to focus
your mind. Open up to new visions and transform your life. For
most of this year, Jupiter is transiting through your eleventh
house of hopes and dreams. Look to friends to play a significant
role and welcome a new set of companions. Travel, education and
language study are prominent themes this year. Pluto, planet
of transformation, draws your attention to partnerships, to releasing
old tensions and unresolved situations. This cycle happens only
once in a lifetime, so make the most of it. Resolution: I will
concentrate on finishing what I have started.
you tend to revolve around home and family, career opportunities
promise advancement and recognition. Jupiter sweeps into your
tenth house of career, marking a period of growth and evolution
for you. The last time this happened was 1987. Now is a perfect
time to turn your dreams into reality. Consider exploring a field
concerned with healing, higher education or travel. Make beneficial
adjustments in health and work with Pluto transiting your sixth
house. Prune your life of friendships that have outlived their
usefulness. Carve out a secure place for yourself and your abilities.
Resolution: I will honor my feelings and take responsibility
for my own happiness.
are feeling inspired to travel and explore this year, as Jupiter
travels through your ninth house. Take advantage of this period
of expansion and growth to focus your abundant creative energies
towards accomplishing long range goals. You'll make significant
progress to serve you well into the next century. Increased responsibility
in your career beckons, so make sure you solidify position and
strengthen influence. Look for relationships becoming more unpredictable
this year. Partnerships can be in flux with Uranus and Neptune
in your seventh. Dreams of a soul-mate can lead to spiritual
partners OR relationships can become more nebulous. Resolution:
I will live life through the courageous space in my heart.
Jupiter transiting your eighth house of transformation and resources
from others, personal creative pursuits can lead to financial
rewards. Networking with the right people can have significant
impact on ventures this year. Use your pragmatic nature to make
the most of all the resources around you. Making the world a
better place means a great deal to you, and you will have many
opportunities in which to make lasting improvements. You might
prosper in service-oriented fields like the health professions,
social services, counseling, or teaching. Incorporating your
spiritual awareness into your work, brings greater fulfillment
into every day life. Resolution: In my quest for excellence,
acceptance is the first bridge I must cross.
are of prime importance to Libra, and this year with Jupiter
moving into your seventh house, there's a positively welcome
breath of fresh air. Free yourself from the past 3 years' restrictions,
and enjoy new found freedom and abundance. You'll feel more content
and joyful this year as Saturn finally leaves your seventh house
of relationships. You're beginning a new cycle of vastly expanding
partnership opportunities. Relationships of all kinds prosper,
as freedom from a bad relationship, and opportunities for better
ones await you. You'll do well in court and in politics, and
your social circle is likely to increase. Resolution: Unconditional
love in mine to freely give and receive.
expansive energy spends most of its time in your sixth house
of work, health and service in 1999. It's an exceptional time
to make much needed improvements in those areas. Now is the time
to get into your desired field. You'll find skilled jobs, perform
them well and make money. Saturnine energy moves into your seventh
house of relationships, where it will remain for the next 3 years.
Clarify all agreements with both intimate and business partners.
You may feel as if your relationships are testing you, or that
you are being tested by your relationships. No stranger to transformation,
shed relationships that have outlived their time. Resolution:
In my pursuit of power, I will gladly surrender control to my
higher self.
spiritual aims are a key factor this year, so a strong desire
to experience a higher consciousness and spiritual understanding
may unfold. Since Pluto is transiting though your philosophical
sign until 2007, this can indeed be a time of empowerment that
sets the tone for your future lifepath. There's a great deal
of potential for deep transformation. Spiritually this can be
a time of initiation into more profound levels of consciousness.
Avoid power struggles with those trying to prevent this metamorphosis.
Chiron, the wounded healer, journeys through your sign this year,
opening a window of opportunity for intense healing. Resolution:
I will integrate my spiritual needs with my more mundane needs.
Jupiter transiting your fourth house of home and family, this
year is a perfect time to redecorate, remodel or move to a larger
homestead. Personal affairs, home and family, all need extra
attention. Strike a balance between career and home. Setting
new goals helps you clarify your direction and professional and
personal identity. With your unrivaled ability to maintain your
focus, 1999 should be a very successful year. As your self esteem
may be strongly tied to achievement, be willing to experiment
as new opportunities abound. Explore innovative fields, and utilize
cutting edge technologies in your career. Resolution: I will
be flexible and cooperative in using my resources wisely.
we entered the Age of Aquarius? Being the non-conformist of the
zodiac, you are a fierce individualist, no matter what epoch.
An anarchist at heart, with revolutionary Uranus in your sign
until 2003, you'll pursue many untried paths, living with one
foot in the future. Aquarians may go through an identity crisis
as they awaken to higher levels of spiritual and personal awareness.
With Uranus in your ingenious sign this year, tap into intuition
and merge with humanity's collective consciousness. Neptune,
planet of spirituality, joins in this year until 2013, allowing
Spirit to enter, stimulating all your clairvoyant, creative and
imaginative faculties. Resolution: I seek innovative solutions
that work for the good of all.
and visionary, and coming off a year of tremendous expansion
of your intuitive faculties, you may have become a concerned
healer and world-server. Your desires, dreams and hopes are now
in alignment with who you really are. The time is ripe for you
to put visionary gifts into action and have your efforts rewarded.
It's the year your ship comes in financially, if you remembered
to send it out. Pluto continues traveling through your tenth
house of ambition and career, uncovering the true path in fulfill
your soul's longing. Pluto gives you either the power to achieve
your life goals or insight to find out what they truly are. Just
remember its service, not sacrifice, and you will flourish. Resolution:
Time well spent in solitude can recharge my spiritual batteries.